We were born in the late 60’s with study and passion for mechanical engineering.

Our company is just a part of a family vocation that makes up one of the largest groups in Campania in the “made to measure” production of mechanical components and equipment.
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The main & headquarter, with its 3,000 square meters of production spaces, executive offices and training rooms is located on the outskirts of Naples in Italy.

A few kilometers away from our headquarter, we have jointly created two tech factories of 1,000 square meters for the design and production of mechanical components with a particular focus on the aeronautical and the new coming oil & gas sector.

Every year our factories produce millions of components and mechanical parts for medium-large customers operating all over the world.

50 years

of experience and know how

5000 mq

of productive spaces


processing & working isles


design locations

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why choose us

Awareness Innovation People Process optimization

are the key words of our Vision.

We are aware of the criticality that each of our products assumes in the customer's finished product and for this reason we continuously combine and update reliable and innovative technologies with qualified and trained workforce.


Years of experience and know how in the design and manufacturing of mechanical components from low to high levels of criticality in the final use.

Flexible mechanical solutions to customer requests and specifications with customized design, production and consultancy in problem solving even of complex parts.


High precision products with extreme accuracy in details guaranteed by innovative technologies and constantly updated staff.

Lean production aimed to reach cost reduction and effectiveness.

We work with

Every year our factories produce millions of components and mechanical parts for medium-large customers operating all over the world.
We have been working for years as a certified supplier of Trenitalia (the largest railway company in Italy) and many other important manufacturers.


